MiniUni™ 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 and MiniUni™ 30+ / 40+ / 50+
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MiniUni™ 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 and MiniUni™ 30+ / 40+ / 50+
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MiniUni™ is a series of high-quality flexible fermentation tanks. The series comprise of MiniUni™ models with no built-in cooling jacket, and MiniUni™+ (plus) models with built-in cooling jacket. The plus series also has two additional TC1.5" ports on the front of the unit which is suitable for thermowell and racking options. Apart from that, all MiniUni™ products have the similar features.
PureBlast™ surface both inside and out for easy cleaning, reduced risk of micro-pores and no need for passivation. If used with acidic beer or juices, passivation is still recommended.
Pressure rated for 2 bar (30 PSI).
Can stand in the included base or hang on the wall.
Simple cleaning with 4" TC port on topp and 2" TC port at the bottom.
If you are fermenting apple juice or other highly acidic liquids, it's required that you passivate the tank before use.
Built in cooling jacket (3/8" female NPT fittings)
Two additional TC1.5" ports on the front.
The tanks includes a basic accessory kit which makes it suitable for open fermentation. Hang it on the wall in the brewing room or place it in a fridge.
In addition to using the tanks for fermentation, they can also be used for:
Keg for serving
Brite tank
Sparge water tank (HLT)
Tank for acid/caustics for CIP process
As standard, the MiniUni contains the following:
MiniUni™ Tank
Plastic base with silicone gasket.
Wall bracket and wall support (screws not included).
Wall bracket safety pin.
Composite TC adapter 4" to 34mm.
Airlock, 3-piece with holder for TC34.
Tri Clamp, 4"
TC Blind cap 2"
Tri Clamp, 2"
TC Gaskets 4", 2-pack
TC Gaskets 2", 5-pack
The tanks are approved for pressure up to 2 bar and can be used for pressure fermentation, which is particularly beneficial when fermenting without active cooling.
The pressure kit contains the following:
Composite TC 4" Pressure top
Mini Spunding valve, M24 threaded
G1/4" to 3/8" Pushfit adapter and analog pressure gauge
M14 Pressure Relief Valve (PRV)
M16 to 7mm hose barb fitting
Silicone tube 6x8mm
Floating ball 44mm, with tube holder
Tri Clamp, 34mm
TC Gaskets
Ball lock adapter, Gas, M24 threaded
Ball lock adapter, Liquid, TC34mm
In addition to this, other accessories can be used, such as
Neoprene insulation jacket
Cooling jacket solution
Tripple wall bracket.
4" Tri Clamp with handles for easy lifting.
M16 dip tube as alternative to floating ball. Will require TC34mm 8mm gland adapter on top of pressure kit.
4" CIP adapter with CIP-ball for cleaning.
2" heating element for use as HLT. (coming)
Leg kit
2" elbow, TC Reducer 2" to 1.5" and 1.5" butterfly valve for dumping yeast etc.
Unpack the tank and keep or recycle the packaging.
Turn the tank upside down.
If an insulation jacket (accessory) is to be fitted, it is easiest to do this now.
Install 2" blind cap.
At the bottom of the box is a plastic base. Pull it ut of the box and press the large silicone seal into the groove. 3 silicone plugs are included which can be used as protective legs under the plastic base. These are pressed into the threaded brass bushings.
Turn the tank over and place it on top of the plastic base.
Mount on the composite TC adapter 4" to 34mm on top of the tank.
Pull the supplied blue airlock holder onto the top of the TC adapter and place the airlock in the hole.
Optionally, fix the wall bracket to the wall using suitable countersunk screws.
For plus models only: fix blind caps to the front TC1.5" ports or other accessories like a thermowell and a racking solution.
Find TC34mm Ball lock adapter for fluid and M16 to 7mm hose barb adapter. Make sure that the latter part has an O-ring before screwing it into the Ball lock adapter.
Fit the jointed part on top of the pressure top with a TC34mm gasket and clamp.
On the sides of the pressure top there are 4 ports. One of the smallest has a small hole at the top. This is for an M14 Pressure Relief Valve (PRV). Make sure this has an O-ring on the tip and screw it into the port with the small hole. It is enough that this is tightened by hand.
On the opposite side, a pushfit adapter and analog pressure gauge must be mounted. This is carefully screwed in and tightened by hand. The threads can easily become damaged if you tighten it using tools. The pressure gauge is carefully pressed into the push fit and rotated so that the measuring disc is straight.
The remaining ports are both of the same type. You can therefore mount the Ball lock adapter for gas and the mini spinning valve on the side that is most appropriate. It is important that these are installed with care. Hold the parts straight and apply pressure when screwing them in. Watch while screwing in by hand that the parts are entering the threads straight. Only use tools to tighten the last 3mm in order to get the O-ring to seal properly.
Find the float ball and the silicone tube and mount this on the 7mm hose barb on the inside of the pressure top. Remember to adapt the length of the tube so that it fits your tank model.
Before the pressure top is put into use, it may be a good idea to carry out a simple pressure test to ensure that it has been installed correctly and is working as intended. This can be done on the tank itself, but can also be done by mounting it on a 4" blind cap or some other suitable equipment. Close the mini spinning valve fully by turning the adjustment know clockwise and put on e.g. 1 bar pressure via the ball lock adapter and disconnect. Let the pressure top sit for a little while and check that the pressure has not changed over time, indicating a leak.
POK parts, like the 4" multi-port top, should have their TC gasket surface lubricated with grease to make it seal better. A thin layer to fill the pores is recommended.
The pressure gauge is not waterproof. Avoid submerging in water as it can fill up and become difficult to empty.
The fermentation tanks use our PureBlast™ surface on both the inside and the outside. This is what gives the matte surface. The surface has no polishing residue or wax but should be cleaned with warm water and a cloth to remove potential dust from the blasting process.
Fittings and valves should be cleaned well before first use. TSP is an excellent cleaning agent for this use.
As usual, the tank must also be sanitized with Star-San or similar before it is used.
Always check for leaks.
Passivation is not needed with PureBlast™ surfaces.
The fermentation tanks are flexible and can either be placed in the plastic base on the floor or on a bench or hung on the wall for fermentation in a temperature-adjusted room. It is also possible to place the tanks in a refrigerator or the like to have better control over the temperature and to have the opportunity to carry out a cold crash after the end of fermentation.
If the tank is hung on the wall, the supplied safety pin must be used. The safety pin is pushed into the opening along the wall bracket. The safety pin has arrows showing the end to be inserted. The embossed Brewtools logo should point up.
When the tank is not hanging on the wall bracket, the safety pin can hang over the wall bracket to prevent it from disappearing.
If you use a pressure fermentation kit, fermentation can take place more naturally with less risk of unwanted ester production, even if the temperature should rise more than desired during storm fermentation.
In time, cooling solutions will be launched that allow you to use glycol coolers to control the temperature with precision.
When using the pressure fermentation kit, you will be able to monitor the pressure inside the tank and use the mini spinning valve to keep the fermentation at a certain pressure. This spinning valve is without a scale and must therefore be adjusted in advance or little by little along the way.
Before filling the tank with wort, it must be placed in the plastic base or hung on the wall. It is difficult to move it after it is filled. Filling is done via an open 4" top flange to avoid back pressure.
Transfer to keg is done through the ball lock adapter that sits on top of the pressure top. The tube with the float ball, attached to the underside of the pressure top, will lead beer out as there is enough pressure inside the tank or supplied from the outside via the side-mounted ball lock adapter.
It is possible to empty trub through the lower 2" bottom port, but this will require that the tank is mounted on the wall with a 2" butterfly valve and other suitable accessories.
The plastic base has three pieces M6 bushings which make it possible to fix the plastic base to a table top from the underside.
If you make a hole in the table top under the plastic base, it will be possible to connect a 2" pipe that is passed through the tabletop. By further connecting an elbow and/or butterfly valve, the bottom flange in the tank will be accessible even if it is in the plastic base.
In connection with washing and emptying, the tank must be open so that air can flow freely to avoid vacuum and ultimately implosion
Always make sure that the Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) is fitted as this ensures that the pressure inside the tank never exceeds the pressure for which the tank is designed and approved.
The Pressure Relief Valve is designed for 2 bar / 30PSI +/- 0.2 bar / 3 PSI
When the cooling jacket on the MiniUni + models is in use, condensation of moist air can lead to water dripping on the floor. It is therefore recommended to use the neoprene insulation jacket to minimize condensation.
The cooling jacket is not designed or manufactured for pressure. Only use pumps made for this type of use. Never connect tap water.
When the tank has been emptied, there will always be some residue left. Leave the top flange open. Pour out the residue and rinse thoroughly with water. Empty the tank and repeat if necessary.
As step 2 in the washing process, it is recommended to use a caustic detergent such as PBW. Either use CIP or fill a few liters of pre-mixed detergent in the tank and shake well. Use a brush as needed.
Remember that when using CIP, the bottom flange must be open to avoid vacuum.
The base is made of PA66 Polyamide (Nylon) which has moderately good resistance to chemicals.
Composite TC adapter 4" to 34mm and Pressure top is made of POK (Polyketone) which has excellent resistance to chemicals . POK is food safe and can be treated similar to eqvivalent parts made of steel.
Wall bracket safety pin is made of ABS.
Height without base and accessories: 32 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 34(d) x 43 (h) cm
Net weight: 6.1 Kg
Gross weight: 7.25 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 13.8 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 10 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Material: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 50 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 34(d) x 61 (h) cm
Net weight: 8 Kg
Gross weight: 9.3 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 24.9 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 20 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 66 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 34(d) x 77 (h) cm
Net weight: 9.65 Kg
Gross weight: 11.2 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 34.8 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 30 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 82 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 34(d) x 93 (h) cm
Net weight: 11.2 Kg
Gross weight: 13 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 44.5 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 40 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 98 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 34(d) x 108.5 (h) cm
Net weight: 12.85 Kg
Gross weight: 14.8 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 54.4 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 50 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 66 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 35(d) x 77 (h) cm
Net weight: 14.2 Kg
Gross weight: 15.8 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 34.8 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 30 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 82 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 35(d) x 93 (h) cm
Net weight: 17.2 Kg
Gross weight: 19 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 44.5 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 40 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
Height without base and accessories: 98 cm
Additional height using the plastic base: +2 cm
Additional height with basic kit (air lock): +13 cm
Additional height with pressure kit: +12.5 cm
Packing size: 34 (w) x 35(d) x 109 (h) cm
Net weight: 10.7 Kg
Gross weight: 22.2 Kg
Tank diameter (inside): Ø280 mm
Base maximum diamameter: Ø305 mm
Gross volume: 54.4 liter
Maximum recommended volume: 50 liter
Volume cone: 1.7 liter
Cone angle: 120 degrees
Byggemateriale: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
Surface treatment inside and outside: PureBlast™
Maximum Pressure: 2 bar / 30 PSI
Operating Pressure: 1 bar / 15 PSI
The drawings below show more details on the sizes and volumes for the MiniUni and MiniUni+ models.
Our MiniUni tanks are designed and manufactured with a high focus on quality and safety. They will be tested and approved in accordance with the requirements of PED 2014/68/EU by an independent party before entering the market.
Certificates can be found here.
Declaration of Conformity can be found here.