Getting started

This page contains essential information about your FCS Fermentation setup. Please review it carefully before use.

General disclaimer

Brewtools is not responsible for any loss of beer or ingredients resulting from the use of FCS. Users are responsible for proper setup, operation, and maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

When the device is connected to the internet, we anonymously collect sensor and setpoint data, as well as configuration from the device for debug, development and learning purposes.

BETA software disclaimer

The FCS is currently in BETA. Some features are still in development or not fully validated. Updates will be released over time, and we recommend keeping the system up to date for the best experience. Be sure to review the changelog with each update.


Safety instructions

Always make sure a PRV (Pressure Release Valve) is installed in case the system stops working or is not properly configured.

If the system is used with a heating element, make sure the heating element is not turned on without being completely submerged.

If the power supply or cable is designed for earthed connections, a GFCI/residual circuit breaker must be used.

System overview

The FCS consists of the following components:

  • I/O Module

  • 24V DC power supply. Power the system through the I/O Module.

  • Display module which connects to the I/O module using a 6-pin cable of desired length.

  • Sensors available:

    • Temperature (PT1000)

    • Pressure (CAN bus)

  • Sensors coming:

    • Density + temperature (CAN bus)

    • Level (CAN bus)

  • Actuators available:

    • Solenoid for cooling

    • Submersible pump

    • Solenoid for gas

  • Actuators coming:

    • Magnetic drive agitator (CAN bus)

    • Tiny relay for DIY solutions (existing chiller pumps etc)

  • Controllers available:

    • Relay module (5A) for 110/230VAC heating elements.

  • Controllers coming:

    • SSR module (10A) for 110/230VAC heating elements)

Installing the components

Follow these steps to connect the system.

  1. Mount the display module using the ball mount system. Use a connecting rod of suitable length in combination with a ball joint. Ball joints are available for both wall mount, pipe mount and universal quick clamp.

  2. Mount the I/O module and optional relay module to the wall.

  3. Install the temperature sensor.

  4. If relevant, install the heating element.

  5. Install the solenoid for cooling or place the submersible pump inside the chiller.

  6. Install the solenoid valve for air/CO2 release on the tank.

  7. Install the pressure sensor on the tank, depending on the system setup;

    1. Screw in the M12 pressure sensor into the solenoid for air/CO2 release, or

    2. Install the pressure sensor on another available TC port.

  8. If relevant, install the solenoid for CO2 in.

  9. Install other sensors or actuators.

Hook up

  1. Connect the power to the I/O module port 1, but wait until the full system is connected before you plug the wall adapter in.

  2. Connect the Display to the I/O module port 2, using a 6-pin cable.

  3. If relevant, connect the external relay module to the I/O module port 3, using a 7-pin cable. Connect the power cable between the relay module and the heating element and finish by plugging the supply cable to a wall outlet protected by a GFCI/residual circuit breaker.

  4. Connect the solenoid for cooling or submersible pump into the I/O module port 4, using a 2-pin cable. For the solenoid, use the short adapter cable to DIN 43650 Type A connector.

  5. Connect the solenoid for CO2 release to the I/O module port 5, using a 2-pin cable and the short adapter cable to DIN 43650 Type B connector.

  6. If relevant, connect the solenoid for CO2 in to the I/O module port 6, using a 2-pin cable and the short adapter cable to DIN 43650 Type B connector.

  7. Connect the pressure sensor to the I/O module port 8, using a 5-pin cable.

  8. Connect the temperature sensor to the I/O module port 13, using a 3-pin cable.

  9. Connect the power adapter to the wall power outlet. The system will power up.

Double check that solenoids direction is correct. They are marked with an arrow indicating the direction of flow.


From the Display, tap the bottom right symbol to open the settings menu. A total of 10 pages of settings are available. We recommend doing/checking the following:

Page 2:

  • Set the preferred units for each measurement.

Page 3:

  • Tank name: Type an identifying number, letter or short name for easier identification. This is useful if you have multiple tanks using FCS.

Page 4:

  • Ext. Relay control signal: Use "OFF" if no relay module is installed. Use "5V" if Relay module (5A) is installed.

  • Temperature sensor: Use "Temp 1" if sensor is connected to I/O module port 13. Use "Temp 2" if the sensor is connected to I/O module port 14.

Page 5:

  • Sounds: Turn "ON" or "OFF" system sounds and alarm/warning sounds.

Page 6 - Relay configuration.

  • Not currently possible to configure. System setup should match what is listed.

Page 7:

  • Pressure sensor port: Make sure CAN1 is selected.

Page 9:

  • Connect to Wi-Fi to enable updates. Available updates will be visible on page 10.

Function test

When everything is hooked up and the system is configured, we strongly recommend running a function test to verify everything is correct and working as it should.

  1. Open "Manual control"

  2. Verify that temperature is displayed.

  3. Tap on the temperature and set a new target temperature below the current temperature. Verify that the cooling solenoid opens, or submersible pump starts.

  4. If you have a heating element and relay module, tap on the temperature and set a new target temperature above the current temperature. Verify that the relay module is engaged by clicking sound. Do not let it run for longer than 5 seconds if not fully submerged. Stop heating by setting the target temperature below the current temperature.

  5. Verify that pressure is displayed.

  6. This step will require some pressure in the tank. Tap on the pressure and set a new target pressure below the current pressure and make sure that the "release pressure" function is active. Verify that the air/CO2 solenoid opens to release pressure.

  7. This step will require CO2 or air pressure available. Tap on the pressure and set a new target pressure above current pressure and verify that CO2 solenoid for adding pressure is not engaged. Tap on the pressure again and tap on the symbol for "adding pressure" and verify that the CO2 solenoid for adding pressure is engaged and the pressure is increasing. Tap on the pressure one last time and switch back to "release pressure" function.

  8. Now the system has been verified and is functioning as it should.

Last updated

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